I've had a lot of different cameras in my lifetime but never really gravitated to Olympus until now. Not only did they put an SLR digital sensor in the body of a point and shoot camera but they also retro styled it and gave it multiple lenses. It's a beaut!
The retro styling sent leather accessory designers mad with ideas of a golden age of photography where the compact Leicas were gods among cameras. (And still are really.) Roberu, known for being the name to go to for leather goods that cradle your latest gadgets and gizmos created this leather holder and matching strap for the Olympus E-PL1. Is photography old school again or are we just posers?
Related: If this is a bit too much camera for you and you just enjoy having/using your phone for photos, a little bird told me about an app for the iphone that will emulate light leaks from Holgas, the funny colors from Lomo cameras and plastic lenses, all the way to cross processed film. It's called Hipstamatic. The interface is pretty cool. Go to the site to take it for a test drive.
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